Category Archives: Treatment and Management

How To Address Social Isolation Of Kids With Bipolar Disorder

When we talk about bipolar disorder, the image that typically comes to mind is that of an adult navigating the highs of mania and the lows of depression. However, this complex and challenging mental health condition does not discriminate by age, affecting not only adults but also children. In many children, bipolar disorder presents a unique set of challenges, one of the most significant being social isolation.

Helping depressed children with bipolar disorder starts by understanding the nuances of their condition — how it manifests, for example, and differentiating it from normal child behavior. It’s vital for parents and the other adults around that child to understand these things so that they can provide assistance and guidance to the child as they embark or teenage years and develop.


Understanding Bipolar Disorder In Children

According to psychiatry experts, bipolar disorder in children, often referred to as pediatric bipolar disorder, is a mental health condition or illness characterized by significant mood swings that include emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression). Unlike adults with bipolar disorder, children often exhibit a more nuanced and complex range of symptoms, which can lead to misdiagnosis or delay in treatment. According to the Cleveland Clinic, approximately 4% of children have bipolar disorder.

Research shows that one of the most critical distinctions between bipolar disorder in people living their best lives (such as adults and children) is the frequency and duration of diagnosed mood swings. Children and adolescents may experience mood shifts more rapidly and intensely, a phenomenon known as rapid cycling. These intense emotional states can be incredibly disorienting for a child, and they often have involved difficulty understanding or articulating their feelings.

Complicating matters further, bipolar disorder in children and teens often coexists with other mental health conditions, such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety disorders, and conduct disorders. This overlap of symptoms can make it challenging to diagnose and treat bipolar disorder effectively in children. It’s also not unusual for a proper diagnosis to be withheld, making it more difficult to identify BPD in children, according to the NCBI.

There are also common misconceptions about pediatric bipolar disorder. The most common ones are:

  • Children cannot have bipolar disorder; it’s an adult-only condition.
  • Extreme mood swings in children are always just phases or typical tantrums, not signs of bipolar disorder in teens or children.
  • Children with bipolar disorder are just acting out for attention and can control their behavior if they choose to.
  • Bipolar disorder in children is the result of poor parenting or a problematic home environment.

Such misconceptions not only undermine the severity of the condition but also contribute to the stigma surrounding it, making it harder for children and their families to seek help.

The Impact Of Bipolar Disorder On Social Interactions

The effects of bipolar disorder on a child’s ability to interact socially are profound. During manic phases, children may exhibit behaviors that seem aggressive, overly confident, or risky. They might talk rapidly, have a reduced need for sleep, or engage in impulsive behavior. In contrast, during depressive phases, they may withdraw from social interactions, exhibit low energy, feel hopeless, and show little interest in activities they once enjoyed. These oscillating behaviors can be confusing and alarming to a friend, leading to misunderstandings and social rejection.

Furthermore, the unpredictability of mood swings can make it difficult for these children to maintain consistent relationships. Their peers might find it challenging to understand or relate to their rapidly changing emotions and behaviors, leading to a breakdown in communication and empathy. This dynamic often leaves children with bipolar disorder feeling misunderstood, isolated, and alone.

Social Isolation: Causes And Consequences

Social isolation is a difficult lived experience in children with bipolar disorder that stems from a complex interplay of factors. The erratic nature of the disorder itself is a primary cause. Children may feel alienated due to their different emotional and behavioral patterns, making it challenging for them to explore and fit in with peers. The stigma associated with mental health disorders further aggravates this isolation, as it can lead to misunderstanding and judgment from others, including peers, educators, and even family members.

The consequences of social isolation of bipolar kids are extensive and can include:

  • Emotional issues: Higher risk of low self-esteem, increased anxiety, and deepening depression.
  • Academic performance: Lack of peer support and engagement can lead to decreased motivation and concentration.
  • Physical health: Stress associated with isolation may cause sleep disturbances and a weakened immune system.
  • Long-term implications: Challenges in forming and maintaining peer relationships, potential academic failure, and an increased risk of substance abuse in later life.

Unfortunately, social isolation can exacerbate the symptoms of BPD, creating a downward spiral.

Strategies For Parents And Caregivers

As a parent, we need to take an active role in caring for kids with BPD. The first step is to recognize the signs of isolation, which can include:

  • A lack of interest in social activities
  • Withdrawal from friends and family
  • Changes in sleeping and eating habits
  • A decline in academic performance.

After identifying these signs, the focus should shift to creating a nurturing home environment. Parents need to foster open communication where the child can share their feelings and experiences without judgment.

Encouraging positive social interactions is key, and this can involve several strategies:

  • Organizing activities where the child feels comfortable and accepted.
  • Collaborating with the child to find hobbies or interests that promote social engagement.
  • Encouraging participation in clubs or sports teams that align with the child’s interests and abilities.
  • Find a balance between encouraging social interaction and respecting the child’s individual comfort and needs.

It can also be beneficial if parents or caregivers establish a routine. This can offer stability and predictability for children with bipolar disorder. A consistent daily schedule, including set times for meals, homework, leisure, and sleep, can help in mood regulation and lay the groundwork for healthier social interactions.


Role Of Schools And Community

Schools are important in shaping the social development of children with bipolar disorder. It is vital to foster an inclusive and understanding educational atmosphere. Raising awareness about BDP equips our teachers and school admin with the knowledge to effectively support and understand these students. By doing so, this can enhance their educational experience.

Classroom accommodations, such as providing a quiet space for the child to regroup during overwhelming moments or allowing extra time for assignments during depressive episodes, can be immensely helpful.

Community engagement plays an important role in addressing bipolar disorder, especially in children. By implementing awareness programs and promoting social skills workshops, we can significantly diminish the stigma linked to BPD. We can then nurture a sense of empathy and support among peers and community members.

Building awareness among peers is another important step. Educating classmates about bipolar disorder in an age-appropriate manner can foster empathy and understanding. This education can take the form of classroom discussions, bringing in mental health care professionals for talks, or engaging in school-wide mental health awareness campaigns.

The Importance Of Professional Intervention

Recognizing The Need For Professional Help

Parents and caregivers play a pivotal role in identifying when a child may need mental health professional support. It’s essential to observe the child’s behavior and mood patterns to determine if they are experiencing more than just typical childhood ups and downs.

Indicators For Seeking Professional Support

Some key indicators include significant disruptions in the child’s daily life due to mood swings, severe social withdrawal, or any behavior that poses a danger to themselves or others. Early intervention can lead to more effective management of the disorder.

Psychotherapy Options

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT is a widely used therapy option for children with bipolar disorder. It helps children understand their symptoms and develop strategies to manage them. CBT focuses on altering negative thought patterns and behaviors and replacing them with healthier coping mechanisms.

Family Therapy

Family therapy is another vital aspect of treatment. It involves the entire family in the therapeutic process, educating them about the disorder and how to support the child effectively.

Enhancing Social Skills

Social Skills Training Programs

These programs are designed to help children develop essential skills for positive social interactions. They cover aspects like conversation techniques, understanding social cues, and managing emotions in social settings.

Group Therapy

Group therapy provides a supportive environment where children can interact with peers facing similar challenges. It helps reduce feelings of isolation and stigma associated with the disorder.

Medication As A Treatment Option

Approaching Medication with Caution

While medication can be an integral part of treatment, it’s approached with caution in children. The effects of medication on a child’s mood, behavior, and overall well-being need to be closely monitored.

Types of Medications Used

Common medications include mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, or antidepressants. Each medication has its specific indications and potential side effects, which must be carefully considered.


Empowering Children With Bipolar Disorder

Empowerment involves helping a child with bipolar disorder learn to manage and handle themselves while also teaching them to communicate well with other people. Building their confidence is usually a great starting point. Encourage them to participate in activities that let them showcase their strengths. For parents: set goals for your child to achieve, and celebrate with them whenever they meet those goals.

The core of building resilience in a child with BPD is to teach them coping strategies to manage the times when their moods change. Some great strategies are:

  • Mindfulness practices
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Regular physical activity and exercise
  • Creative arts

It’s generally a good idea to encourage a child with BPD to try advocating for themselves. Let them know that it’s safe to communicate and talk about how they’re feeling, especially regarding their condition. Learning how to communicate their needs and talk about their condition helps them seek support when they need it, especially when they become adults. It is vital that they have a balanced mind foundation with these stress reduction techniques.

Wrapping Up

Children with BPD face several challenges — especially in their social lives. However, there is hope: there are many strategies and resources available for them to use so that they can live fulfilling and happy and fulfilling lives alongside their disorder. However, it’s important for the people around them, such as their parents and teachers, to assist them in making use of these resources.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Does bipolar cause social isolation?
What are the bad coping mechanisms for bipolar people?
Do people with bipolar disorder have trouble socializing?
What were bipolar people like as children?
Does isolation make bipolar worse?
Why do bipolar people isolate?
Does bipolar get worse with age?
What makes bipolar worse?
Why do bipolar say hurtful things?
Is it hard for a bipolar person to keep friendships?
Do bipolar people remember what they say?
What are the odd behaviors of bipolar people?
What is the first red flag of bipolar disorder?
Can bipolar people act childish?
How does a child with bipolar act?
How to deal with bipolar kids?
At what age does bipolar show up in children?
What happens to kids with bipolar parents?

How Having A Dog Became The Best Therapy For My Kid


As early as five years old, I had seen some symptoms of bipolar disorder in my son, Joe. There were days when everything he would do would be on the extreme side. For instance, if he were excited, he would do whatever, even if it hurt him. If he were angry about something, he would fling objects around and sometimes end up hurting himself.

Then, during Joe’s low moments, he would refuse to get out of bed, no matter if we tried to persuade him with his favorite pancakes. If we ever manage to do that, we could not encourage him to go to preschool or play with his Big Brother. All Joe would want to do was stay on the couch and do nothing else.

The thing was (and I always felt guilty about it), I was aware that those were signs of bipolar disorder, but I still did not bring my son to a psychiatrist until he turned seven years old. Though some people might condemn me for it, being in denial that you have an imperfect child was common among parents. I kept telling myself that young boys tend to behave like Joe so that I could put off a mental health diagnosis for as long as possible.


Confirming BP

My husband and I decided to have Joe checked by a psychiatrist when we realized that he did not care about safety during his manic episodes. Before that, after all, our son snuck out of the house on a Saturday and took off with his bike on his own. He did not go too far; he mostly stayed in the local park, riding in circles. However, something wrong could still have happened to him, even if he felt invincible at the time.

When the psychiatrist confirmed my worst fear, I died a little inside. In my book, anyone with a mental health disorder would require lifetime assistance. I did not dread looking after Joe for the rest of my life, but I felt sad to imagine that he would not grow up and have all those experiences as others would have.

I voiced my concerns to the psychiatrist. I was glad I did that because she told me that bipolar kids could have normal adulthood. “Many of my previous patients have stable jobs others are already married and have happy families. Because of that, I do not see any reason why Joe cannot have the same fate.”

“How can we increase Joe’s chances of living a full, independent life?” I asked. At that moment, a sliver of hope gripped my heart.


“The best option for Joe is to go to therapy. I can recommend you to some of the child therapists I know to positively impact their young clients’ lives. With him being so young, I would honestly not suggest giving him any drugs. That’s especially true if therapy could teach him early to recognize his symptoms and deal with them. More importantly, it may be ideal for Joe to have a service dog.”

Everything that the psychiatrist said made sense to me, specifically the need for therapy. I could already imagine that this treatment would help my son understand the difference between excitement and mania, although I did not expect him to realize it soon. He might also learn some distracting techniques during his depressive periods so that he could feel better. The only thing that I had to question was the service dog part.

“Doc, we already have a family dog that Joe loves. Can’t we turn him into a service dog?”

“You can, but it is best to give Joe a dog of his own. Besides teaching him responsibility, he would bring the service dog everywhere and help him with his symptoms. Some skilled trainers can make it easier for service dogs to assist people with medical or mental health conditions. This way, you will not worry about Joe’s welfare all the time,” the psychiatrist explained.


Getting A Dog For Joe

Ever since Spot came into Joe’s life, he still had high and low episodes. However, what made things better was that the dog would bark whenever Joe tried to sneak out or would not move away from the couch for more than an hour or so. That’s Spot’s way of alerting us when something was up with Joe.

Another benefit of having a service dog was that he could calm down Joe wherever we went. It was explicitly helpful when Joe was at school, and we could not be there. The teachers had to call us in the past to pick up our son, but Spot was quick to distract him during those times.

Getting a dog for Joe turned out to be the best decision we ever made. It was right there on the top spot with therapy, to be honest.

Therapy For Siblings Of Bipolar Kids

During the first year that I provided therapy to bipolar kids, I had a very idealistic and businesslike approach. I said that I would only be accepting one client every hour and that my office would only be open from 9 in the morning until 5 in the afternoon. Then, I would not be taking calls after office hours from the parents. If they wanted to talk to me, they should book an appointment with my secretary.

The thing was, the young clients that sought my assistance often came with their parents and a sibling or two. They understood that most of the sessions were supposed to occur behind closed doors for confidentiality’s sake, but they still came as a family every time.


Since I often saw brothers and sisters of bipolar kids in the office, I was quick to think, “Oh, they must have an incredible bond.” After all, no matter how pretty or child-friendly my clinic was, it was still in a mental health facility. Child or not, no one genuinely wanted to be seen going in or out of that place in fear of their friends assuming that they were not right in the head.

I got an explanation one time when I could not help but overhear a couple of converse with their older daughter while waiting for their younger daughter’s therapy session to be over.

“Can you drive me to my friend’s house later?” the girl asked.

“Sorry, honey, but your sister has a group therapy to attend after this one,” the mother replied.

“All right, but can you take me to the mall tomorrow and go shopping?”


“Your dad can drive you to the mall, but I cannot go with you. You know that your sister doesn’t do well with massive crowds, and we cannot leave her alone at home,” the mother said.

The girl huffed. “Everything you do is for my sister’s sake. When will you ever think about me?”

I felt bad for the brothers and sisters of bipolar children in that instant. I used to believe that only the kids with mental health conditions needed much attention and were happy to get it from their families. However, I failed to see that their siblings were kids as well. Normal or not, they needed as much attention as anyone else. And since they could not consistently achieve that, it was understandable for them to get upset or even resent their bipolar siblings.

What Did I Do, You Might Ask?

Every time I would meet a client since that day, I would ask the parents to let me have a 15- or 30-minute session with their other kids. Many looked confused; others seemed offended as they pointed out that not all of their children needed mental help. I had to explain my observation to each of them.


Every time I would do the latter, understanding would settle on the parents’ faces. It was enough indication that they also knew the struggles of their other kids who had to live with their bipolar brother or sister. Sometimes, the mom or dad would even break down as they told me how guilty they were for caring for their bipolar child more.

Giving Therapy To The Siblings Of Bipolar Kids

I had spoken to a few kids about how they felt about having a bipolar sibling, and their answers somewhat varied. Some of them expressed anger and embarrassment for having a sister or brother with a mental disorder. Others felt scared, especially when their sibling was showing their daredevil side.

However, most of those kids showed real maturity by saying that they always looked after their siblings, regardless of whether their parents asked them. Among them was that girl I overheard complaining to her mom and dad. She told me she would always check on her sister at school in between classes to make sure she was okay.


“But no matter how much I care for my sister, I sometimes wish that she will go away so that I can live freely. I know that’s bad to say, but I feel that way whenever she’s throwing a fit of some sort,” the girl admitted shyly.

During our short therapy sessions, I explained to the children that being honest about their feelings – good or bad – was significant. Many adults turned out to have deep-seated childhood issues because they were unable to express themselves as kids. Still, I encouraged them to do it calmly, considering they knew that people with mental disorders were wired differently.

Final Thoughts

I continue to offer therapy to bipolar kids and their siblings up to this day. I have even leveled up and begun offering family counseling so that they can air out their differences in the safety of my office. It has seemed to help more families than I have initially imagined as the children who used to envy or get mad at their ill brother or sister began to understand them more.

What Therapists Say About Boosting Your Child’s Mood

A person with bipolar disorder has neurophysiological issues and is known to have severe mood swings.  Mood swings can go from being joyful, mania, to sadness and depression.   With the abnormal changes in behaviors, he can quickly get irritated that often leads him to be violent or depressed.


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Art Therapy For Bipolar Kids: Expressing The Unspoken Words


Understanding people with mental illness such as bipolar disorder is never an easy way, especially when it comes to children. It is painstaking to see that at a very young age, these children must deal with the struggle of dealing with feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, and living on the edge, as they are stricken with depression, stress, and anxiety going through the course of bipolar disorder.

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Discipline 101: Children With Bipolar Disorder

Disciplining per se is difficult. Finding the right strategy in combination with the appropriate level of strictness but still show love and affection is a hard formula to master. Imagine how hard it can be to discipline a child with a mental disorder which has the classical symptom of the shifting moods. This is where the challenge and the test of patience come in for families with children diagnosed with bipolar disorder. According to experts, the basic and the general blueprint for disciplining is still applicable to a child with bipolar disorder since mostly, they are children. There are just some modifications when it comes to specific methods since there should be accommodation and understanding of the condition.

According to John Preston, PsyD, “Bipolar disorder is probably the main psychiatric disorder where medication is absolutely essential.”


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Psychiatrists Emphasize The Importance Of Sharing A Meal (Parenting A Bipolar Teenager)

Family status is complicated when you are raising a teenager diagnosed with bipolar disorder.  It has been complicated even before the diagnosis of all the irritations, separation anxiety, and tantrums.   But often when I would raise this concern to her pediatrician, he would tell me to let her be, she’s just a kid. And so that is what I did.   




“Family members need to verbally compliment one another,” said Brent Blaisdell, PsyD.


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Helping Children Grieve Over The Loss Of Pets

Children with bipolar condition gain more positive experiences from their pets. If your child lost a pet, you can really see and feel their grief if this pet dies. This article will discuss helping them cope and go through the grieving process.


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Tips In Dealing With A Friend’s Bipolar Child

One of the things that you must know about parenting is the fact that any parent is willing and aiming to do whatever it takes to make her child happy and cheerful. According to a psychologist, it is only typical for any parent to want nothing but the best for her kid. The true reason behind this is the fact that parenthood changes a person. Cliché as it may sound, but it is true that the moment you become a parent, everything in your life changes and all your focus will be directed to your child.


“In colloquial speech, it’s common for the word “bipolar” to be used as an adjective,” said Lauren Pedersen, LMFT.

The reason why we are discussing this matter is that we want to instill to the mind of your readers that any parent can be protective and sensitive when it comes to her child. Therefore, you have to be careful in dealing with one’s child or kid, especially if the latter is someone with bipolar disorder. We understand that it can be challenging to do this since not everyone is well versed or oriented with bipolar disorder. Do not fret because we are going to share some tips on how you can do it the right way. Here are things to keep in mind:


Read More About It

Avoid keeping yourself on the dark and focus on improving your learning or understanding about the psychological disorders that a child may have. In so doing, you are giving yourself a chance to be more sensitive when it comes to handling your relations or connections with children who have a mental illness or personality disorders. Stop making an excuse that you are not aware of the signs and symptoms. Nowadays, you can quickly get free resources from the Internet that can explain what bipolar disorder is.


“People with Bipolar Disorder can become suicidal and abuse substances during both manic and depressive episodes.” – Robin Mohilner, LMFT

Watch Your Words

When speaking to a child with bipolar disorder, it is essential for you to master the art of communicating. As much as possible, watch your language so that you will not end up offending the child. You must understand that it is possible that you can trigger the symptoms of the said disorder if you are not careful with what you will say to a bipolar child. If you are not sure about what to say, it is best if you will just keep your mouth shut.


Keep On Asking Questions


Another thing that you must take note is the need to feel free to ask any question or clarification about bipolar disorder. You can even make inquiries to the parents of the bipolar kid so that you will get an idea on how best to handle any situation involving the former. However, you must be careful when it comes to making inquiries so that you will not look like a fool. Aside from this, you have to do it to ensure that your friend will not be offended by your questions. If the answer to the question is too obvious, then you better not ask it.

“People living with bipolar disorder experience their own unique set of symptoms and mood fluctuations,” said Colleen King, LMFT.


Increase Your Patience

A child who is diagnosed with bipolar disorder may be challenging to deal with because he will show unusual characteristics. There are even times when your patience may run out whenever you have a negative encounter with them. For this reason, it is ideal if you will learn how to increase your patience and understanding even more. Take note that the said child is difficult to handle because he does not know what he is doing. He needs to go through treatment or take medications before he can heal. While he is still doing it, be sure to be more kind whenever he is around.



Now that you are aware of how to best handle someone who has a bipolar disorder, particularly a kid or a child, it is expected that you will follow everything on the list. Keep in mind that you have to master it so that you can become excellent in handling situations involving someone with a psychological disorder. Do not treat the said person similarly to other individuals. Always remind yourself that a bipolar child deserves a more specialized treatment compared to someone who is diagnosed to be free from any form of the disorder.



The Differences Between In-Person Therapy And Online Therapy

Online therapy versus in-person therapy

online therapy


Online therapy versus in-person therapy, which type of therapy is better for mental health treatment? Are online therapy services exceptional compared to in-person therapy? Choose between online therapy versus in-person therapy.

Our world continues to digitize our practices. Therapy is no exception. With such constant changes, we lose and gain factors that may both improve or decrease the quality of desired outcomes. This case is quite similar to online therapy platforms and in-person mental healthcare treatment options. Online therapy and in person sessions have some advantages and disadvantages. However, they are still valid therapy sessions for treating mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, and more. Here are some of the online and traditional therapy advantages and disadvantages.

Online Therapy And In-Person Therapy Difference

What Is In-Person Therapy?

Offline mental health services options are in-person sessions where a patient visits a licensed mental health therapist’s office or clinic. It’s the traditional, in-person method that a therapist might use. Here, there is a traditional interaction and at times, physical support and assistance. Each phase of the traditional therapy session is conducted regularly in the therapist’s office.

Online versus in-person therapy is a debate that’s been going on for a while, especially for people with severe mental illness. While health insurance companies cover both types of therapy, online therapy is becoming increasingly popular for anxiety disorders and other mental illnesses. Online therapy can be more accessible and convenient with a virtual therapist, especially for people who live in remote areas, have limited mobility, or struggle with transportation. However, a reliable internet connection is crucial for effective online therapy, and many insurance companies don’t cover it. Additionally, traditional therapy can offer additional nonverbal insights that virtual therapy may lack. Ultimately, the choice between online and traditional therapy depends on personal preferences, health, and individual circumstances.

Traditional therapy


What Are The Advantages Of Traditional Therapy Sessions?

  1. Comfortable Environment

The fact that the patient and therapist are in face-to-face sessions enables the licensed therapist to build an emotional rapport with the help of body language or nonverbal cues. Through this, you get to build a comfortable relationship with your patient. They are more likely to be open about their mental health issues and mental health problems.

  1. Physical Assistance

Physical assistance and professional support are essential for licensed therapists. It becomes possible to obtain a proper diagnosis of the patient’s mental health condition if they are there with them. Also, this is a necessity for those undergoing physical intervention. By being with their clients, the therapists can conduct regular check-ups in person. Doing so allows them to create the most suitable therapy session plan for their clients.

  1. All Around Help

Specific remedies help you physically, emotionally, and mentally. More options are available through offline therapy sessions. The counselor can visually check for both your internal and external condition and mental health needs. The process is almost like “hitting two birds with one stone.”

In-Person Therapy Disadvantages

  1. Lack Of Immediate Responses

You first need to check the schedule of a licensed therapist in your area. There are times when they are unavailable or the therapist’s office is inaccessible. If you are looking to address your mental health issue as soon as possible, this may not be the service appropriate for your mental health needs.

  1. Difficult For Some People

Some patients remain quiet during in-person sessions. They are unwilling to cooperate or talk to the therapist. This conduct is the case for those struggling with social anxiety or who are merely embarrassed to talk about their mental health problems.

Online Therapy Platform Guide

Online or virtual therapy setup involves the provisioned use of an internet connection. Virtual therapy sessions typically come in different platforms such as email, video conferencing, or real-time chat. This type of virtual therapy service generally is for mental health conditions and nutritional treatment.

The debate between online versus face-to-face therapy is ongoing, but with insurance coverage increasingly available for both, it’s worth considering the unique benefits of each. Virtual therapies, often conducted via video chat, gain popularity in recent years as a way to reduce symptoms from the comfort of the client’s environment. While face-to-face therapy offers additional nonverbal insights with the help of an insurance company, virtual therapy can be more accessible and convenient, especially for people with mobility issues or who live in remote areas.


“Bipolar I includes very clear manic episodes that are hard to miss, whereas bipolar II doesn’t necessarily have that.” – says Sally Winston, PsyD.

Virtual Therapy Treatment Advantages

  • Much Cheaper

There are times when mental health professionals are unavailable. Due to this, you may end up with an expensive one or unable to go at all. Getting therapy online is a different story. Online counseling experts and therapists, on the other hand, are a cheaper alternative. You can also cut off expenses from traveling to their offices for face-to-face therapy by just connecting virtually.

  • Logistical Availability

Some mental health issues hinder you from going out, and it makes it harder for you to treat your mental health condition. Therefore, some prefer easy access to virtual sessions where they can get help in the comfort of their own home especially if they are far from any available mental health treatment in your area or rural areas.

  • Confidential

Some treatment services using virtual therapy allow their patients to remain anonymous. Instead of asking for their patient’s name and other private information, they will only ask for their method of payment and email. The patient can prevent their friends and family from knowing that they are undergoing therapy sessions.

“While bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder (BPD) might sound similar at first, aside from a few symptoms the two have in common—impulsivity, promiscuity, and rage—the conditions are actually very different.” – Kathleen Cairns, PsyD

Virtual Therapy Treatment Disadvantages

  • Limited To Some Mental Issues

This form of therapy services works best for clients undergoing anxiety or depression. It also offers advice on stress management, career, and relationship issues. Those in need of physical intervention may not find the services they need through words they only hear or read. Also, treatment options including Art, Music, Eye Movement Edenization, and Reprocessing Therapy are almost impossible to conduct.

  • Restrictions In Interactions

The relationship between patient and therapist is built on trust, so it might not be as effective as in person in that respect. With the lack of specific interactions, it may be hard for the professional to see improvements or changes in patients. Pieces of advice may not always work out for the best especially when you only see improvement through words. It is for the case of therapies done through real-time chat or email.

Insights And Takeaway

When it comes to online versus in-person therapy, finding the right therapist or new therapist is key to treating your health conditions. While cost can vary depending on the provider and the type of psychotherapy being offered, more people are turning to online as a convenient option that allows them to participate from the comfort of their own homes. For example, some people may prefer traditional for the opportunity to meet face-to-face with their therapist and establish a deeper connection.

Both mental health support and mental health services have their advantages and disadvantages. Being aware and informed of the pros and cons of online and face-to-face therapy allows you to choose the most suitable one for your mental health needs. Hopefully, this article gave you a better insight into choosing the best option for treatment between in-person and virtual therapy.

“Depression treatment that works for one person, however, may not work for another. That’s because depression varies from one person to the next – in severity and type.” – Beth Esposito, MS, LPCC-S, LSW


Is therapy more effective in-person?

What is the difference between face-to-face and online Counselling?

What are the disadvantages of online Counselling?

What type of therapy is most effective?

Can online therapy be effective?

Does online therapy work for anxiety?

Is therapy via Zoom effective?

What are the benefits of online counseling?

What percentage of therapy is successful?

How many times should a person go to therapy?