Monthly Archives: November 2018

A Quick Guide To Handling Tantrums

There are many challenges that every parent must face. Unfortunately, there is no escape button whenever you start to encounter the hardships of becoming a mother to your child. This is the primary reason why you need to be a tough parent, by knowing all the proper remedies for every problem that may come your way.

According to Stephanie Samar, PsyD, “Children need to learn that we all have a range of feelings.”


One of the common issues of dealing with a child who has a bipolar disorder is the occurrence of tantrums. No matter how much you value or take good care of your beloved son, there will always come a time when his outbursts would show up. Fortunately, there are tons of ways on how to deal with it. Here are some of the things that you must master:

Remain Calm At All Times

Be mindful of all your actions the moment your child starts to have tantrums. Take note that there must have been something that has triggered the outbursts. What you need to do is to remain calm so that you can determine what caused the tantrums. Never panic, especially you are in a public place. If you think that you can no longer handle the tantrums at a particular time it happens, the best option that you can do is to ask for help from other people around.

“Welcome to the Terrible Twos. This phase hits all toddlers, often starting before age two – with some behaviors lasting until as late as age four,” according to Jane Rosen, PsyD


Avoid Embarrassing Your Kid

At this point, it is significant to highlight the fact that scolding your child about his tantrums in public will only make the situation worse. He will start to feel that you do not care for him. Because of this, it is imperative on your part to keep your cool every time he has tantrums. Remember that you are the bigger person. However, it does not mean that you will tolerate his actions. What you have to do is to wait until you arrive at home before you talk to him.

Start A Conversation

As already mentioned above, it is vital for you to talk to your child about the problems or issues in his attitude. Let him know what is wrong with what he did and the reason why it is considered unacceptable. Be sure to use the right tone when speaking to him so that he will not feel like he is being attacked. Aside from this, you must also ask him what caused his tantrum. Make him think that he can discuss anything to you.


According to Lauren M. O’Donnell, PsyD, “Most kids can learn to get better at handling anger and frustration.”

Seek Professional Help

Find a way to connect with a therapist or psychiatrist who can help your child deal with his issues or concerns. All you have to do is to book an appointment and bring your beloved son to the professional expert’s office or clinic. Keep in mind that this option only if you think that your child’s tantrums are no longer normal or are caused by his bipolar disorder. Do not be ashamed to ask questions to the mental health expert so that you will have a better understanding of the situation.

As a mom, you have the obligation to stand behind your son’s back at all times. Keep on fighting until you become acquainted with all the duties that a mother must accomplish.