Monthly Archives: February 2021

Frequently Asked Questions About Separation Anxiety

I don’t usually talk about my issues. But I sometimes feel like my feelings are somewhat irrelevant when I do. Not because I don’t value what I feel, but because I sometimes knew that my separation anxiety is often the reason I always end up alone.


Dealing with a psychological condition is hard because it can entirely change someone’s life in an instant. Although I already have an early diagnosis, I still do not want to believe that my “supposed” clinginess was associated with the condition.

I often think that the way I care about people is genuinely part of my character. Whenever my loved ones leave or are somewhat out of reach, I get distracted, sad, and agitated. Honestly, I thought it was usual, and everyone deals with separation anxiety normally. The more I got into it and experienced many complicated mental conditions, the more I knew I was not mentally okay. Fortunately, with all the frequently asked questions in my head, I managed to get some answers. Let me share some of those with you.

Dealing With Separation Anxiety

To deal with separation anxiety disorder, you need to consider the following things: Practice good-natured separation, develop a quick and comfortable “goodbye” ritual, schedule separation during naps, and leave without a big deal. Also, keep familiar surroundings whenever possible and only leave the premises when other activities can take place.

Note that by making these suggestions, you might experience a slight comfort. But the whole process requires a lot of time. Thus, there is no guarantee that even if you managed to pull through with the condition, you wouldn’t experience separation anxiety disorder anymore because you will still do. At the end of the day, prevention is still better than cure which is why it is best to have your thoughts and feelings monitored before the condition develops.

How Is The Condition Affecting Adults?

Adults with this disorder experience high levels of nervousness. The feelings sometimes elevate to panic attacks. That is especially when no one is around or loved ones are out of reach. Adults with the condition usually socially withdraw themselves from everyone. They also show extreme sadness, agitation, and physical discomfort. In some instances, they also experience difficulty concentrating when alone.

Generally speaking, the condition can lead someone into an entirely complicated and isolated life. It would be sad and lonely because the mental health condition will not allow you to experience and learn new things independently. Usually, due to mental illness, you get to rely on everyone around you. There is the constant fear of being unaccompanied due to the anticipated separation.


What causes separation anxiety disorder?

Some of the factors that cause the condition are life stressors. It is inevitable how life stresses us sometimes. It will give us challenges that could come from grief from the loss of a beloved pet, the death of a loved one, the divorce of parents, or moving or going away to a different place.

People deal with the condition differently because their triggers vary. Some individuals can handle situations despite not being near their loved ones. However, for individuals with a mental condition, the whole experience is crippling, devastating, mentally, and emotionally exhausting.

What are the three known stages of separation anxiety?

The three known stages of the condition are protest, despair, and detachment. The protest starts right after there is separation. Usually, it can last up to weeks of feeling sad and lonely. People can sometimes manage it since it is quite a common scenario that brings that kind of usual feeling. Then, there is despair. It accompanies signs of excessive distress, such as crying and tantrum behavior. People usually couldn’t understand the reason for it and assumed that one misses his loved ones. Then there’s detachment, where there is avoidance of people, places, or activities associated with a separated person, past trauma, or event.

How long can separation anxiety last?

The condition happens automatically when there’s a split. Usually, eighteen months and then fades during the last few months of the second year. However, there are some cases that this phase affects a person’s emotional development. Some might handle it accordingly, while others will experience a deep sense of emotional and mental pain.

With that particular impact, it is vital to consider things. Instead of forcing people to forget about their mental and emotional dilemmas, they need to take things slowly. They need to understand that any kind of separation is heartbreaking. But it is not enough reason not to move on and continue living.

At what age is separation anxiety the worst?

It can occur in individuals as early as 4 to 5 months of age. And the most developed stage would be visible at around nine months.

How do you deal with bedtime separation anxiety?

Managing the condition requires consistency. For example, there must be an engagement in calming routines and reassessments of daytime and bedtime schedules. It is vital to be careful about introducing new habits, especially when not fully adjusted to the emotional and mental pain.

It will help if you seek professional guidance from a therapist on some of the things you can do to ease your mental problem.

What is anxiety separation disorder?

The mental disorder causes significant distress in daily functioning. Symptoms can be excessive for the developmental age. These can include recurrent and unwarranted stress and sometimes repeated nightmares from being away from a familiar place such as home or school or away from loved ones.

How do I cope with anxiety?

To cope with anxiety, you need to consider taking things one at a time. Also, it would assist if you focused on keeping your overall well-being healthy. You can do it by getting enough sleep, hydrating, eating healthy food, exercising regularly, and practicing mindfulness. You can also cope with the condition naturally by letting your emotions out. Talking to friends and family would be a great help.

Always remember that you are not alone. You can seek immediate professional help if you have to. Do not be afraid and feel discouraged just because you thought you were going through some detrimental phase in your life. Everyone deals with their issues, and the condition is just a small percentage of those mental illnesses out there.

Is separation anxiety a sign of autism?

Well, not entirely in all cases. Children with autism express fear or nervousness in many of the same ways as others typically develop. However, most children do experience the condition without any association with autism. Still, it is on a case-to-case basis, and other children may experience it differently compared to others. Almost all of them struggle with parting ways with trusted parents or caregivers to go to school or camp.


How can you tell if a girl has autism?

You can tell if a girl has autism when she’s unable to look at or listen to people, has inappropriate or no facial gestures, resists touching, inability to start a conversation, inability to keep a conversation going, does not respond to her name, and prefers being alone.

Is autism just anxiety?

Anxiety is not considered a definite highlight of Autism Spectrum Disorder. However, at least 40% of young people with mental conditions experience clinically elevated stress levels. Usually, some of them even develop at least one disorder, including obsessive-compulsive disorder.

How do I stop autism anxiety?

Getting help with managing anxiety in autistic requires cognitive behavioral therapy. It is a process that helps develop skills to change people’s thinking to deal with anxious situations. Cognitive behavioral therapy therapy supports gradual exposure to help people with ASD face their fears.

So far, those are some of the frequently asked questions I managed to find answers to. If you need to learn more, you can try and consult an expert for additional information.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)