FAQs About The Bipolar Disorder In Children

Can you imagine the challenges of diagnosing bipolar disorder in children, who may also experience other psychological disorders? Children need to participate in regular visits to a mental disorder facility, engage in any bipolar disorder activities designed to stimulate their minds, and diligently respond to a range of questionnaires to assess and address the challenges of mood disorders – all to figure out if there’s something wrong with their brains or not.

This process is more common than you may ever know. Many illnesses have similar symptoms, particularly bipolar disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Children with psychological disorders tend to have a short attention span or short patience with people or things; that’s why they might seem aggressive at times. In reality, though, they just had no idea how to express their emotion, so it comes out as aggression.

A kid with white hair draws using colored chalk, representing bipolar disorder in children.

Source: pexels.com

My Personal Experience As A Manic-Depressive Child

I received the news that I had bipolar disorder when I was already 21 years old. However, I had been dealing with its child’s symptoms from the age of 13, such as the social isolation of bipolar kids.

Back then, I was labeled as a rebellious child with a disorder. I would always ask my parents to let me hang out with my friends after school, and they would always say no, so I would often sneak out. It did not mean that I was never caught, though. Because of that, I would always get scolded, which was especially challenging for a bipolar child. Still, it did not stop me from sneaking out repeatedly, as children are known to do.

Then, there were times when I would refuse to converse with my family members. They would get mad and assume that I was too childish or full of myself. They would challenge me to run away and then ask how a 13-year-old could stand on her own feet. At first, I tried to explain that I just did not want to talk, but I could not give them a reason for that. It was a challenging period where I struggled with bipolar disorder and my mental health. Consequently, I merely stopped trying to explain and accepted their words, all while battling the complexities of bipolar disorder in children.

One time, my mother came across a little girl with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Her parents were very open about her condition because they wanted other people to be aware that it existed. My mother noticed some of her symptoms in me, so she brought me to a child psychologist. They did some tests and initially diagnosed me with the same disorder as that little girl. Hence, for many years, I thought I had ADHD.

When I turned 21, my doctor passed away, and we had to look for another psychologist. However, the second one that we found questioned the diagnosis that I got at 13 years old. She said that while I did have some ADHD symptoms, I also had other depressive and manic symptoms. Having both sets of symptoms was not too common in children with attention deficit disorder, according to her. That’s when it became known that I had been getting treated for the wrong manic-depressive illness for a long time. Instead of ADHD, what I had was bipolar disorder.

The Signs And Symptoms

Honestly, I was surprised that my mental health was not what I thought it was. Bipolar disorder, for me at that time, was something I was not entirely glad about. I’m relieved that it’s not ADHD, and I could not genuinely accept that fact. The whole fiasco about the wrong treatment made me hesitate to seek mental health help because that mistake that happened years ago was what I held onto. Although, at first, with the symptoms I was experiencing, I thought I would have a different diagnosis. I was expecting to receive a different result, such as clinical depression. But hey, I got almost the same as that one, didn’t I? It’s essential to be aware of mental health disorders in children and teens, including attention deficit hyperactivity, to provide the right support and understanding.

The signs and symptoms I was referring to are usually the common ones. There’s this constant feeling of sadness, restlessness, and irritability most of the time. I thought it was due to stressful situations, but I guess the severe mood swings are uncontrollable sometimes, and that it makes me lose control over my emotions. I frequently suffer from feelings of emptiness and worthlessness despite achieving great things from time to time. It is as if I am not entitled to be happy with the things I worked hard for.

At times, I thought I was okay. But for most of the day, I felt pessimistic about everything. I often show people that I am unbothered by the things surrounding me, but the truth is, I was drowning with thoughts about unnecessary things. Most of the time, they do not make sense and do not even relate to my life struggles at all. I create drama and issues with things I can’t control and feel incapable of doing things alone. This internal turmoil sometimes makes me wonder if I might be dealing with a disorder in children, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It’s as if there’s a deficit hyperactivity within my mind, causing me to struggle with concentration and emotional regulation.

Surely my mental health state is not in the right state. Losing interest in daily pleasurable but risky activities and even the ones I love, is scary. I lack energy and do not have enough reasons to think about to get through the day. This may seem a little too much, but I guess that’s what deficit hyperactivity disorder can do to my overall well-being.

Source: pexels.com

What Is The Major Difference Between Unipolar And Manic Depression?

Bipolar depression and unipolar depression manifest with the same depressive symptoms, but there are three major differences:

  • Bipolar depression is on the edge of mania all the time.
  • Bipolar depression tends to be more episodic compared to unipolar depression.
  • Because of mania’s risk, the treatment for bipolar depression is different from that for unipolar depression. 

Can You Have Manic Depression And Major Depression?

If you are diagnosed with bipolar disorder, you may have depressive episodes of mania or hypomania and depression. You can experience a depressive episode in between if you do not have any indications. Also, it is possible to present with depression and mania symptoms simultaneously, which is often known as the mixed bipolar state. 

Is Manic Depression Worse Than Depression?

Behavioral information found that when the subjects felt normal – meaning that they were not depressed – those diagnosed with bipolar disorder were at their worst in managing sad and happy emotions more than those who had manic depression. However, when they felt depressed, the bipolar subjects were efficient at managing their happy feelings. 

What Are The Four Types Of Manic-Depressive Illness?

The American Psychiatric Association states that there are four major classifications of the disorder. These include bipolar I disorder, bipolar II disorder, cyclothymic disorder, and bipolar disorder secondary to existing substance abuse or medical disorder. 

Do People With Manic-Depressive Illness Ever Feel Normal?

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that elicits dramatic mood shifts, along with other symptoms. An individual with the disorder will alternate amidst stages of depression and stages of mania. Additionally, in between these two ends, the individual will experience stages of normal mood. 

Does Manic-Depressive Illness Get Worse As You Age?

The requirement for psychiatric admission in the elderly group is increasing. But in contrast to schizophrenia, wherein about 30% to 50% of cases become better significantly with age, bipolar disorder does not improve with time; In fact, it usually worsens. 

Source: pexels.com

Can Bipolar People Tell They Are Bipolar?

The truth is that not everyone diagnosed with bipolar disorder is aware that they have the disorder. There are plenty of reasons why a person with the disorder might not recognize it – or perhaps why they may not admit having it despite the fact that they do. 

What Triggers Manic-Depressive Disorder?

Factors that act as triggers for the onset of bipolar disorder include:

  • Stages of heightened stress, like a traumatic event or the loss of a loved one
  • A first-degree relative, for instance, a sibling or a parent, diagnosed with bipolar disorder
  • Alcohol or drug abuse

What Is A Person With A Manic-Depressive Disorder Like?

Individuals diagnosed with bipolar disorder symptoms have both episodes of mania and severe depression – excitement or joy, overwhelming happiness, decreased inhibitions, heightened energy, and a decreased need for sleep. The experience of bipolar disorder is distinctly personal. No two individuals have precisely the same experience. 

Can Bipolar Go Away?

While bipolar symptoms come and go, the disorder typically necessitates lifetime management and does not disappear by itself. Bipolar disorder can be a huge contributor to suicide, family conflict, and unemployment, but appropriate treatment results in better results. 

What Should You Not Say To Someone With A Manic-Depressive Illness?

Some important things that one must not say to someone diagnosed with bipolar disorder include:

  • “Well, all of us have our moods from time to time.”
  • “You’re overreacting, you know that?”
  • “You are psycho!”
  • “Everyone can be a little bipolar at times, right?”
  • “If it does not kill you, then it will make you stronger.”
  • “Please stop acting like a maniac.”
  • “God, I wish I could be manic – then I’d get things done!”

What Are The Symptoms Of A Woman’s Manic-Depressive Illness?

Some bipolar disorder develops indications that are seen both in women and men include:

  • Decreased sleep
  • Overconfidence or feeling of grandiosity
  • Irritable mood
  • Easily distracted
  • Fast speech flow or racing thoughts
  • Increased energy
  • Greater than usual frequency of speech

Source: pexels.com

Is Manic-Depressive Illness Inherited From The Mother Or Father?

Bipolar disorder can be inherited or genetic. But it will typically not be passed on to children. Approximately 1 in 10 children of parents or a parent who has the condition will have the disorder, which is why it is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder in children.

What Symptoms Do Men Show When They Have A Manic-Depressive Illness?

The most common indications of bipolar disorder in men include:

  • Worse symptoms
  • Recurrent manic episodes. Women probably experience more depressive bouts with their bipolar condition. 
  • Heightened aggression. When a man is suffering from an episode, he experiences a higher chance of manifesting a higher aggression form. 
  • Denial to pursue treatment.
  • Co-occurring substance use issues.

Source: pexels.com

What Are The Indications Of Bipolar Disorder In Children?

Is My Child Bipolar Or ADHD?

What Age Does Manic-Depressive Illness Typically Begin Among Children?

What Childhood Factors Cause Manic-Depressive Illness?

How Do You Calm A Manic-Depressive Child?


Final Thoughts

Despite the innovations in mental health (mental health conditions such as anxiety disorders, disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, and other psychiatric disorders), it’s sad to say that misdiagnosis is still common among patients who experience symptoms of the condition. There is yet a distinct way of diagnosing bipolar disorder; that’s why many people have a similar experience as I did. My parents would have sued my former psychologist if she were still alive, but I guess the silver lining was that we found out that I had some form of disorder early. Thus, everyone somewhat understood that not all my actions were caused by my true nature. Still, it would have been nice if I had known that I was bipolar much earlier than that.

So as a piece of advice for those individuals like me, who are struggling, please do not hesitate to seek help. And if you are ever unsure of your disorder, always consult another licensed therapist or qualified mental health professional for a second opinion. I did not say that you should not listen to your first therapist or medical provider, though. I am just stating that for a clear and concrete psychological diagnosis, you must at least ask several mental health care professionals so that you would not end up like me, who takes medication for a wrong mental health diagnosis.


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